We’ll give you four floor beginner tutorials along the way & show you what’s crucial on the way to becoming a floor flow queen & how you can improve your skills even further from home. Take the chance to practice on your own at home with our floor beginner tutorials. We wish you a lot of fun!
We all remember the good old backward roll in gym class – some with joy, some with horror. If you tilt your head to the side, the backward roll becomes a shoulder roll – and is a thousand times more comfortable than its relative. The shoulder roll is also one of the basic moves in floor flow and there is no getting around it in combos or choreos. In this tutorial we’ll show you exactly what the technique behind it looks like and how you can roll effortlessly across the floor without getting bruises.
The Russian Slam is one of the favorite moves of many floor flow specialists and can be done extremely individually and in many variations. Without the right technique, however, it is an almost insurmountable and extremely strenuous challenge. Did you know, for example, that you don’t have to slide over your knee to do a Russian Slam? Once learned, it’s sure to become one of your favorite moves, too.
What sounds simple can spice up any choreo on the floor. There is not only the turn, but rather a variety of possibilities. Whether slow, explosive, on one knee or both and with different start and end positions, in this tutorial we give you the technique and many ideas for turns.
The various transitions are the be-all and end-all for a great flow on the floor. They effortlessly link individual tricks together in different ways and allow you to get from A to B. They make your floor flow look impressive and graceful. They make your floor flow look impressive and graceful – and in this tutorial you’ll get some variations of them.
A saying we often hear. But “on the floor” is already a good start. Here are a few tips & tricks on how to boost your floor flow skills:
Don’t think of the ground as an enemy, think of it as your friend. It is your tool in this category and wants & needs to be used. With pushing, pulling, sliding and nestling you create movements that are created together with the floor – instead of just using it as a base.
Try to develop an awareness of your body and all its movements & work on performing the movements from beginning to end in a flow. Also, remember that your body is made up of multiple body parts and try to pay attention to them all and not just focus on one body part. For example, good Leg Waves are created when you also move your upper body, arms and head.
Less and slower is usually more. Practice slow and flowy moves and film yourself every now and then to develop your awareness of moves and what they really look like. Once you master this, the fast and explosive moves are open to you.
There are also poles for home, which can be conveniently clamped between the floor & ceiling (without any screws). However, the purchase of your own pole needs to be considered carefully, as they cost between CHF 250.- and 350.- – but they will last a pole’s lifetime. We recommend to buy only poles from a trustworthy manufacturer, because we would like to avoid any “pole-fails”. Here you can find the X-Poles for your training at home. You have another pole in mind? We will be happy to advise you, just contact us by email.
You want to train regularly for you, but you have no space or pole at home? No problem, we have the solution! With the Studio Access you get your own badge and your personal access to our studio 7 days a week. Train when and how you want, no matter if pole dance, floor flow, pilates, stretching or strength training. We provide you with the space or a pole and you will also find various aids in the studio, such as yoga mats, blocks, weights, balls, etc..
Have questions about your training or your pole journey in general? We are happy to help you at any time.
Interested in getting to know us? Why not register for one of our trial lessons and learn more about what we have to offer. Talk on-site with our highly trained instructors and let them advise you.
For us, everything revolves around the poles – including our customers. Whether newbie or rookie. Let’s take off together!
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