Pole Dance Video-Tutorials

Gravity goes Bookee

Gravity Arts goes Bookee

Others end the year with reviews – we are paving the way for an even better experience for you. How are we doing that? We’re switching to a new booking system: Bookee! You can find all the information here.

Why Bookee

Bookee is a booking system that specializes in the fitness sector. It therefore offers all the functions that are of interest to customers in this area. No workarounds, no functions that don’t fit 100%, no suboptimal processes, but everything designed to make it easy to put together and book an individual training plan.

Your advantages with Bookee

But let’s get specific. These are your advantages with Bookee:

  • Payment is simply made via your credit card. No more bank transfers, no more standing orders, no more cash. Simply enter your credit card details and get started – any refunds are also quick and easy.
  • When you buy a pole subscription, it starts on the day you book. I can now start with an individual subscription – no more fixed course periods.
  • The subscriptions now run for 3 months instead of 2, but are billed automatically on a monthly basis.
  • You can design your training plan individually and according to your needs and book yourself into the lessons that suit you in terms of day and time. Sometimes it’s Monday, sometimes Thursday and sometimes perhaps Saturday.
  • If you don’t want to commit to 3 months, you can simply buy individual lessons or so-called class passes.
  • If you would like to attend additional lessons to those included in the subscription, you can purchase our discounted Top-Up Passes.
  • If you are unable to attend a particular lesson, you can book yourself out up to 8 hours before the lesson and book another lesson as a replacement.
  • You can also put your name on the waiting list if your desired lesson is already fully booked. If a place becomes available, you will be notified directly by the system and can book in yourself.

In short: With Bookee, the creation and organization of your personal Pole Journey is entirely in your own hands – yay!

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